Healing Energy

"I'm so stressed I can't sleep"
"Worry is eating away at me"
"My anger is bottled up inside me"
"He's a pain in the neck"
"She makes me sick"
More often than not, your choice of words actually reflects your body. Your body, mind and spirit are based in energy and when they are balanced, you feel happy and healthy. However, when you experience distress, discomfort, and disease your body is telling you there is an imbalance blocking your energy. These imbalances block the natural flow of energy within you and create symptoms for you to notice and address. By removing the blocks you create the potential opportunity to return to a place of balance and well-being.
Over the years, I have actively studied various energy modalities. I am both a Reconnective Healing® practitioner and a Magnfied Healing®practitioner. Through the use of these energy modalities, my clients find a place of balance and well-being.
Both modalities are energy based and as such cannot be directed to a specific area of the body nor a specific illness. The energy flows where it is needed most. As we are all different, there is no way to pre-determine what form or to what extent this energy work will have on you. Your energy experience will be unique to you.
I am also a The Reconnection™Practitioner.
The Reconnection™ differs from Reconnective Healing®. The intent of The Reconnection™ is one of reconnecting and reintegrating you into the grid of the Universe. Originally, the meridian lines on our bodies were connected to the grid lines which encircle the planet. These grid lines were designed to continue out and connect us to a vastly larger grid, tying us into the entire Universe. Over time, we have become disconnected from these lines.
The Reconnection™ brings in new axiatonal lines which enable us to standardize unique vibratory levels and frequencies for healing and ultimately, for our evolution. These axiatonal lines are part of a parallel-dimensional circulatory system that draws the basic energy for the renewal functions of the human body.
The Reconnection™ brings in and activates these new lines, allowing for the exchange of light and information, the reconnection of DNA strands and the reintegration of "strings" (simultaneously occurring on parallel planes of existence).
The Reconnection™ requires 2 sessions to complete. Due to the nature of the this work, no more than one day between sessions is possible and it is highly recommended sessions are scheduled on consecutive days. This work is only done once in a person's life and can only be done in person.